Should you learn how to self-publish a book?
Are you a budding author who wants to learn how to self-publish a book? If so, you’re in the right place. In this article, we discuss some of the basics of self-publishing and how it can benefit you. We’ll also provide some tips on how to get started. So read on for information that can help you start your writing career, or take it to the next level.
Benefits of self-publishing a book:
Is self-publishing for you? It’s more than likely.
Self-publishing a book has a number of benefits, and learning how to self-publish a book can give you the headstart you need to land your book in the hands of readers.
Creative control
First, self-publishing gives authors complete control over the content and presentation of their work. This means that authors can ensure that their book is precisely how they want it to be, without having to make compromises to please a publisher.
Second, self-publishing can be a more cost-effective option than traditional publishing, especially for authors who are willing to put in the extra work to promote their books.
Finally, self-publishing can also be a quicker process than traditional publishing, meaning that authors can see their work in print much sooner.
Overall, self-publishing is a great option for authors who want complete control over their work and are willing to put in the extra effort to promote their book.
How do you self-publish a book
Once you avoid common self-publishing mistakes; learning how to self-publish a book can be easy.
Write or edit your story to be marketable
Particularly when publishing a book for business purposes, writing for a marketable topic can help you self-publish your book.
There are many different genres of books, and each comes with its own set of expectations and conventions. As a writer, it’s important to understand the genre you’re writing in and what readers will be looking for.
For example, a children’s book might describe a toy as “bendy”, whereas a scientific article might describe it as “pliable”. By understanding the unique quirks of your genre, you can better target your audience and give them the kind of book they’re looking for.
To learn more about your genre, explore how people talk about it online. Browse message boards and see what fans are saying. What appeals to them about the books in this genre? Are there any common frustrations? This will help you get a better sense of what readers are looking for.
You can also conduct competitive analysis by evaluating bestsellers in your genre. See what they’re doing right and try to replicate that in your own writing. With a little research, you can make sure you’re giving readers the best possible experience with your book.
Edit your book
Self-publishers will have to compete in the same stores and marketplaces as traditional publishing companies, meaning your book needs to be just as refined and polished if not more so than one coming out of a major house.
Book editing is a crucial part of self-publishing, and it can help to identify more than just typos. It’s also about engaging with the opinions and feedback from others. This process helps you identify any problems in tone or content which could be fixed before publishing anything online or distributing it to readers – including future potential fans!
Create an eye-catching cover
It’s important to remember that your book cover design will be the first thing customers see when they browse through books. Even online, the thumbnail of your book will be displayed on websites like Amazon.
Take advice from a book cover designer, trying to find the right design for a book can sometimes feel like fitting a square peg in a round hole. This is especially true when you consider:
- the legibility of your book title
- the spine and back cover of your book
- how it will appear on website thumbnails or as audiobooks on streaming services
- how you will display your name.
Organise book printing and distribution
With your filled and edited pages and your new book cover design, you’ll be excited to distribute your book to potential readers. It’s at this point that you would consider book printing and distribution.
Connections to book distribution and printing companies can be difficult to make. So can decisions like:
- how many copies of your book you would like to print
- what type of paper you’d like to print your book on
- whether you’d like a matt or gloss lamination on your cover
- whether you’d like your book embossed or embellished.
Once you’ve figured these out, it’s time to begin building relationships with printing professionals. If you’d like a hand building these connections, or making these decisions, connect with Publish Central’s self-publishing experts, or read about our book printing and distribution services.
Read further tips on how to self-publish a book
Following the 7 tips for self-publishing a high-quality book, some more tips to self-publish a book include:
- research services to help connect you to editors, printing businesses, and more
- have your book professionally produced
- print the correct amount
- use a specialist book printer
- prepare a publicity plan
- be prepared for the effort required.
For more helpful self-publishing resources, please visit our free articles and downloads.
If you’re interested in self-publishing
If you’re interested in self-publishing books and have already finished writing and editing your work, you may wonder what’s the best book publishing option for you and your book?
For more honest advice for writers considering self-publishing books, read a brief guide to self-publishing, which includes tips for planning, editing, designing, and printing. And, if you’re eager to get started, please feel free to reach out and connect with us to talk about self-publishing your book, or for information about our self-publishing course.
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