Proofreading services

How Publish Central's proofreading services will help your book

Publish Central offers proofreading services for those looking to self-publish a book. 

If proofreading services are part of your package, a Publish Central book proofreader will provide final checks on your book for errors such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting.

Proofreading is the final quality-control step in the production of your book. Even the best of editors (like ours) won’t pick up every single error in your book, so it is essential. It will be the difference between a professional-standard book and one that’s not quite there. One or two minor errors in your book aren’t the end of the world, but if you don’t have it proofread there could be many more than that – and believe us when we say that’s not a good look!

During our proofreading services, our proofreaders read the book in a different way, really focusing on line by line, word by word, and letter by letter, not really concerning themselves with more ‘editorial’ areas. The proofreader will assume that the author and editor are happy with the content – their role is just to look for mistakes, nothing more.

The self-publisher is not usually involved in the proofreading stage of the book. It mainly involves fixing a few typos and punctuation errors. If an issue is found that needs to be discussed with you, we will contact you to resolve it.

Our proofreading services ensure that your masterpiece is polished and ready for publication. We have access to expert proofreaders who specialise in different industries to ensure your book meets high-quality standards. Our proofreading services cover everything from spotting typos to fixing sentence structure. Whether you’re a first-time author looking for some proofreading assistance or an experienced writer needing a fresh eye on your work, our proofreading services will make sure that any errors are caught before going to print. 

Proofreading and editing

A manuscript assessment is when an editor reviews your book and advises you on what improvements can be made. Most authors don’t have this done. It’s most useful in the early stages of your writing if you need some guidance.
The detailed editing process begins with a macro view of the content of your book, called a ‘developmental edit’ (or sometimes a ‘structural edit’). This is where the editor reads your book and provides feedback on the content and overall structure. This is an optional step for authors who would like some additional assistance. It is most useful if you have finished your first or second draft and you think you need some help organising the book into a logical structure. Your editor will read your book and provide feedback such as the following:
  • Highlighting where your book may benefit from additional information
  • Pointing out any repetition
  • Suggesting re-ordering, addition or removal of chapters
  • Suggesting any significant areas of text that could be removed.

Copyediting is where your editor will start to focus on the text in more detail. You’ll work closely with your editor to make your book as good as it can be.

Proofreading is the final step in the editing of your book. It’s the final check for errors by an editor or proofreader who has not previously read the book. This provides a fresh set of eyes.
Copyediting and proofreading are essential to produce a high-standard book, but not every book requires a manuscript assessment or developmental editing. After having a look at your manuscript, we will be able to advise you on what editing is required.

Proofreading and editing services for writers

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Publish Central exists to help authors share their words with readers. We work to the highest design, editing and production standards, and partner with the same people and companies as the major publishers to produce our authors’ books. We have been helping self-publishers for almost 20 years.

Need help with proofreading or editing? Talk to us about our editing and proofreading services.


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